RecPlex November 2, 2021 General Meeting
Acting Secretary Ron Hanson in deep deep thought
Social/Treasurer in deep deep thought
Betty baker advised the membership of the passing of Nancy Lauzon. Also requested that members advise her of any requirements for goodwill cards to be sent.
Guest speaker Ted Barris gave a very interesting / informative / and animated presentation of WWII medics
Joke teller Dennis Moise
New social activities are as follows…game’s afternoon happening today after meeting has ended. / December luncheon on December 7th. So far there are 80 people attending the luncheon. Members are to bring their own x-mas plates if possible. January 4th meeting will have a trivia afternoon after the meeting has ended. There will also be a bowling event January 19th. In Collingwood. In February there will be a “to tell the truth “Event after the February meeting.
Jayne Edwards presented new members with their club package. The new members were as follows…Karen Washbrook / Barbara Martin / Cindy and Andy Payne / Lynne and Barry Moore / Faye and Ron ego.
Social Director Brian Currie
Lynne Moore came forward for the 50/50 draw awarding 2 cash prizes. The winners were Christine Mendes and Cindy Payne. Congratulations to both.